It's from the second 6ths album Hyacinths and Thistles, from 2000.
It's from the second 6ths album Hyacinths and Thistles, from 2000.
Watching this video now in retrospect, a few things strike me:
1. Who on earth cleared this video for release? It's appalling.
2. They had the most uncharismatic lead singer I've ever seen.
3. Their "fashion" sense. Oh my.
4. Still, it really was quite a catchy - and clever - little tune.
It appeared on their debut album, Spiders, which you can safely skip.
One fucking great song.
This is a haunting little track from that album.
It's from their 2011 album Why Don't You Whisper?, their first under their new name.
This is a track from their second album, 1994's Somersault.