Monday, July 27, 2009

Biff Bang Pow! - It Happens All The Time

It's a general rule of thumb that people involved in the "business" end of the music business are useless at music themselves. Which makes sense when you think about it. If you were any good at making your own music why would you spend your time dealing with other people's by, for example, releasing their records, producing their records or, erm, writing/blogging about their records? (Yes, I speak with some authority on this matter I'm afraid...)

Alan McGee is a rare exception. Despite being the brains behind Creation, with Biff Bang Pow! he also managed to release half a dozen albums of his own tunes which were, for the most part, really quite good. A lot of music critics seemed to dismiss them as a frivolous pet project (like they were Russell Crowe's band or something) but that was really unfair, I think.

Pity about his taste in football teams.

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